Friday, July 07, 2006

Day 5: It's the Eye of the Tiger

The lab worked hard all day long. Case revisions went from morning until night. Brandon came up with an interesting idea linking the military into the resolution which sparked a lot of debate among students and lab leaders.  Though Ms. Oravetz found a fatal flaw in the argument, the creativity was much appreciated and it certainly did provide for a lively discussion. Great job Brandon! That was not the only novel idea though, Danielle analyzed whether or not the citizens were fulfilling their obligation to the government in order to deserve healthcare.  Today's lab time was also supplemented with a cross examination of the various case positions students came up with.  It was inspiring to see the way that all involved contributed to constructive criticism of cases as well as benefitted from those suggestions directed at themselves.  Overall - Great job everyone.  In a few days we will beginning our first practice rounds.  It's gettin closer to showtime and we're looking great!


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